An International Educational Program
The Game Plan
Read Connection Mode (or listen to the audiobook) before you start so you understand what it means to resolve threats in “real” time and why we’d want to replenish our nervous system daily.(But you can also jump right into the Resolve and Replenish—and then read Connection Mode at a later date to have written explanations of these calming actions and to understand why they are effective.)
Watch the videos (at your own convenience) to learn how to do each calming action.
Practice these calming actions in connection mode to replenish your nervous system.
Use one or more calming actions whenever you’ve shifted into protection mode to return to connection mode. (That’s the resolving part.)
The Realities
(It’s a challenge to make reality statements sound cheery, so please know that we’re way nicer than how any of this might come across.)
Since we don’t offer refunds, you need to be sure that this is a program you’d like to own before you purchase it.
Although you can share any video with those who are with you (e.g., with students in your class, with family members while at home), you can’t share your log-in information with others.
While resolving and replenishing are two of three components needed to restore the nervous system’s flexibility; this program does not include the repairing part (which also addresses the very key lower brain connection).
Since the Resolve and Replenish Program was created to complement what was already presented in Connection Mode, the written directions for these calming actions, along with explanations for why they are effective, appear in the book. So those are not also included in this program.
The Best Part
You have fun as you replenish your nervous system, and you have a myriad of ways to return to connection mode.