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Our entertaining, online Adult Program guides participants how to change their brain and nervous system to yield remarkable, lasting results.

Upcoming Adult Program

March 22nd, 2025-May 23rd, 2025

Course fee: $695

How does one approach address so many ways that we struggle?
What makes our
Adult Program unique?

Any adult struggling with anxiety, focus, learning, coordination, speech, depression, insomnia, panic attacks, organization, confidence, social situations, autism, OCD, ADHD, ODD, PTSD, along with those curious how life becomes easier once the brain and nervous system work optimally


30 minutes daily to do the lower brain work and learn about the nervous system (staff can adjust that time for specific circumstances); another 10 minutes daily to review support materials


Weekly engaging videos, audio clips, infographics, and activities to change the nervous system and brain in your own home; ongoing feedback, support, and a 1:1 jumpstart video session with your class facilitator

I am 60. I have done the program and noted strong changes in my ability to handle stress, as well as improved cognitive performance. What an exciting concept . . . no matter our age, we can restore or complete our own brain development—and those gains are permanent. The miracles unfold as you change your brain.

Dr. Jeff Parker

Watch a preview of the
Adult Program’s materials and daily format

K-Lee Atwell-Stoltz (45 hours)

When I started Brain Highways, I was operating with about 35% of my lower brain developed. No wonder I was so easily stressed out and would yell. No wonder I was so overly clumsy and would trip on air when walking.


No wonder my coordination was so off. No wonder I was so easily distracted and had a hard time finishing things or would procrastinate. No wonder I would have mini panic attacks if a semi-truck drove too close to me, and no wonder I couldn’t seem to keep information in my head—even if I had just seen it or heard it.

David McMillan (200 hours)

In my late teenage years, my life began to grow hazy. The confusion set on slowly enough to  deter a response, but by my early twenties, I was in its grips. My “alpha” personality seemed to help me in my professional life, but not in my personal life.


For too long, I was teetering on a razor’s edge of compensation, hardly aware of my exhaustion and its impact on my actions toward others. It wouldn’t be until I had distanced myself from the world, run myself ragged, and hurt someone very close to me that I would realize my callous and aggressive ways.

Jeffrey Shultz (30 hours)

"Something is wrong.” I often thought to myself as a child. But I could never clearly describe what was wrong. I could only feel it or sense it. I now know it all started with obsessive-compulsive fears at around the age of four or five. There was a toxic drip of fear in my mind that would manifest itself in fear of the kitchen oven blowing up or cars exploding or being electrocuted to death. 

Holly Towkaniuk (50 hours)

I was originally looking for a way to help my daughter with her focus problems at school. But when I saw the Brain Highways website and watched the videos of the children, I saw myself. I was in tears because all my life I thought I was defective. For example, my brain would often freeze, and I would stare into space for minutes, actually  more like hours. 

Krystal Jackson (30 hours)

As a new mom and trying to run a business, things can get overwhelming in your brain,  especially if your midbrain is underdeveloped. So many things to do, so little time, and you are caring for your new little one. The smallest tasks can seem like nothing else can be done and you don't even know where to start, well at least that is how it was in my brain. 

Sometimes surprises are fun— and sometimes they blindside us.

That's why our Adult Program's "What You Need to Know" page spells out everything. (As a heads up, you'll be asked to confirm that you've read this page as part of the enrollment process.)

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Can I screen myself?
    No. These screenings are facilitated by another person who has learned to not only give the exact directions, but who also has learned what to observe and how that relates to possible problems in our daily life. However, individuals can do our online screening quiz all on their own.
  • Do I need to purchase anything to facilitate the screenings?
    No, the screenings either require nothing extra, or they need a handout related to the screening challenge, which is included in the course.
  • Is Brain Highways staff available to answer individual questions?
    No, the format of this course does not include that kind of interaction.
  • Is it necessary to learn how to do each of the three primary screenings?
    No, the core screening provides a very accurate picture of the lower brain development. The other screenings just provide even more information.
  • How quickly does someone become skilled at facilitating a lower brain screening?
    The brain learns best by experience. The more you practice facilitating a lower brain screening, the more skilled you become. At one point, facilitating a lower brain screening becomes automated and effortless to do.
  • What does the connect module of the program include?
    This part of the program offers simple ways to apply what was learned about a person’s lower brain development as we now set up our class or work or home environment, interact with such people, assign tasks, and more. Not only does this module includes over 100 specific suggestions, but it also explains why we can expect such people (and ourselves) to go into protection mode if no accommodations are ever made.
Still curious? Here are some pages to learn more.

Entertaining footage of lower brain behaviors and changes

A simple quiz to know your lower brain’s status

Linking behaviors with lower brain development and diagnoses

First and last names. Photos.
Real people writing in their own words what changed
after doing a certain number of hours of the lower brain movements and restoring their nervous system's flexibility.
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