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It’s possible that different people, such as a parent and teacher, may score this quiz differently.

Part 2: Scoring and Interpreting the Results
0 points

This child has likely completed his lower brain development.


1-4 points 

This child most likely has a good number of highways in place, although it’s also possible that he has a much more underdeveloped lower brain than what his score indicates. How is that possible?


Well, the child may be compensating in ways that are currently effective, especially if he’s young and there aren’t many academic and social expectations at this time. In such case, there will likely be more signs of a possible lower brain connection (he’ll have a higher score) as he ages and those academic and social expectations continually increase.

5-9 points

This child may already be showing signs that there’s some underdevelopment of the lower centers of the brain. Again, as with the point range above, it’s also possible there is more underdevelopment than what is presently showing for the same stated reasons.


In this category, some kids may additionally seem to start out doing a task well, only to have the quality of work or their focus deteriorate quickly. When this happens, the child’s behavior is often misinterpreted as goofing around or not trying hard enough, rather than understanding that the compensations are only effective for a short period of time.


Over 10 points

This child may be showing signs that the lower centers of the brain are significantly underdeveloped. In this category, the child does not have enough highways to rely on effective compensations that (consistently) work well, and so he is often perceived as bothering others and struggling in many arenas.

Count the number of checked boxes. Then look below to read what that total may indicate in terms of lower brain development.

Part 3: Connecting Behaviors with Lower Brain Development
To learn how some behaviors in this screening quiz specifically correlate to incomplete lower brain development, read these explanations:
Part 1: The Checklist

Check the square if the behavior applies to the child.

To discover how more behaviors in this screening quiz correlate to incomplete lower brain development—or how to enroll in our course to finish this development—you may find these site pages helpful.

Entertaining footage on common behaviors reflective of incomplete lower brain development

How specific behaviors and diagnoses may be linked to a possible lower brain connection

Connection Mode: How to Change Your Brain for an Easier Life, written by the creator of Brain Highways Global

Online course that teaches how to change your brain and nervous system

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