An International Educational Program
Just as the brain is always changing, so has our program evolved over the years. Yet, our passion and commitment to help others has remained the same.
Our History
Starting in the Public Schools
With a grant from Wells Fargo Bank in 1999, Brain Highways began as a pilot program created by Nancy Sokol Green at Paul Ecke Elementary School. Unexpectedly, that initial program led to a surprising connection between incomplete lower brain development and behavior, focus, and academic performance.
From there, Nancy began training teachers at other public schools in San Diego. During this time, the San Diego Business Roundtable of Education, a group of local businesses that honor “exemplary and innovative school programs,” awarded Brain Highways its Best Practice Award.
In 2004, Nancy left the public schools to open the Brain Highways Center in Encinitas, California. Here, parents could now also participate alongside their kids. In addition to the Family Program, we also began to offer a program just for adults.
Going Global
In 2009, we launched our first online program, where now people from every continent (sans Antarctica) began to change their brain and nervous system.
But when Covid turned the world upside down in 2020, the Brain Highways Center was among the many places mandated to shut down. With no assurance of when that status might change, we made the (hard) decision to close the Brain Highways Center permanently and focus solely on our online programs. Since we had already been offering these programs for over a decade, we knew with confidence that online participants yielded the exact same results as those who participated in onsite classes.
And so, that is how we evolved and officially became Brain Highways Global, an international educational program.
Our Team
Nancy Sokol Green
Creator, Executive Director of Brain Highways Global
Nancy oversees all Brain Highways Global programs and is directly involved in the family courses.
Nancy’s many rich, varied experiences as an educator helped her create Brain Highways Global. Some of those experiences include a classroom teacher of students with diverse needs; an author of programs for major educational publishers; a consultant to school districts in California, New York, and Texas; a presenter at national education conferences; and a guest lecturer at San Diego State University, San Jose State University, and the University of California at Santa Barbara.
Nancy continues to educate others. Such experiences have included being the keynote speaker at the San Diego Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics conference, a TEDx presenter at the University of San Diego.
Nancy's latest book is Connection Mode: How to Change Your Brain for an Easier Life.
Kiley Wheel
Program Director and Course Facilitator
Kiley Wheel has a degree in physiology. She is also the founder’s daughter, so she has been involved with the program in numerous ways since it first began.
As the Director of Programs, Kiley works closely with staff who oversee our social media platforms and support our online classes. She is also often the lead facilitator of our Family, Adult, and Flying Solo programs.
Program Administrators and Assistants
Our program administrators and assistants provide key “behind-the-scenes” support for all our programs. They are the ones who send the course materials, provide technical support, do the class recordkeeping, and more. That allows lead class facilitators to focus on individualizing and offering support, as needed, for program participants.