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The Family Program

What You Need to Know

The Game Plan

(These actions ensure that you and your child experience changes sooner than later in Part 1.)

  • Do the 30-minute floor time alongside your child each day.

  • Submit weekly logs of that floor time. 

  • Spend another approximate 10 minutes Sunday-Friday reviewing support materials.

  • Submit periodic “checking-in” assignments on time to receive timely feedback from staff.

  • Ask for support or ways to modify parts of the program, if needed.

  • Attend four live video class sessions (kids join two of those) or watch a recording if an obstacle prevents you from attending.

The Realities

(It’s a challenge to make reality statements sound cheery, so please know that we’re way nicer than how any of this might come across.)

  • Since we don’t offer refunds, you need to be sure you’re able to do the course as intended before you enroll.

  • While class facilitators always offer creative modifications if “life” suddenly interferes with your participation, we do offer a one-time credit for those unexpected extenuating circumstances where that may not be possible.

  • Since Brain Highways is not a medical program, there is, unfortunately, no way for medical insurance or flex plans to pay for this course.

  • While we always appreciate enthusiasm when learning, you can’t share any of the course materials with those outside of your family, such as forwarding links or duplicating materials or trying to teach parts of the program to others. 

  • In a world where who’s liable is sometimes ambiguous, we want to clarify here that you assume full responsibility and all liability for whatever your family choses to do related to your participation in the Family Program.

The Best Part

  • You change your brain and nervous system—and have lots of fun while doing so!

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